Schedule Volunteers

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Communicating with volunteers is key to making VBS a great week for kids. Schedule all your volunteers in Services, so they know the schedule of each day and where they're supposed to be.

Create Plans & Teams

Create a new Service Type for your VBS, setting the frequency to Daily, and add each day as a separate plan.


When you create the first plan, use these tips to easily schedule people to the plan once they've registered.

Once your plan is in place, create a Secure Team, and add positions to the team.


Automatically Add Attendees to Positions

Once your team and positions are set up in Services, you can automatically add people to those positions as they register.

  1. Create lists in People for each of the assignment areas from your Registrations event.

  2. Use automations to add registered attendees to their position in Services.


When people register, they will be added to the correct list the following morning and the automation will add them to the appropriate team.

Schedule People to Plans

Use needed positions to define how many people you want to be in each position. When you're ready to schedule, load all your plans into the matrix and click auto-schedule to add people into positions on the plans.


Once people are in their positions, click email these people, customize your message, and send an email to all your volunteers. The email from the Matrix will show all the dates and times, so let them know they can use the buttons in the email to do the following:

  • Confirm for all dates.

  • Decline for a day they won't be there.

  • View the schedule.

  • Respond to the email with any questions they have for you.

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