A picture is worth a thousand words -- unless it's blurry! Check out this table to see the file type and size for any image you want to host in Planning Center.
Image file types can be jpg, jpeg, png, or gif unless otherwise noted.
Product |
Location |
File Size |
Notes |
All products |
profile picture |
may not exceed 50mb or 5600x5600 |
displayed with 1:1 ratio will crop to a circle |
Accounts |
must be larger than 150x150 |
will resize to 1000x1000 |
Calendar |
960x540 |
displayed with 16:9 ratio feed events will use the image from the original event |
112x112 |
non-square images will be cropped |
may not exceed 5MB |
displayed with 4:3 ratio |
Check-Ins |
size of station |
image will be centered on screen |
may not exceed 600x350 |
only print in grayscale and could slow down printing |
Groups |
715x402 |
displayed with 16:9 ratio will resize to a circle on Church Center |
People |
may not exceed 10MB |
displayed with 1:1 ratio will display as a circle on the directory |
Publishing |
static webp file type accepted |
may not exceed 10MB |
displayed as uploaded up to 960px |
static webp file type accepted |
2000x1125 may not exceed 10MB |
displayed at the full width of the browser window up to 2000px |
900x506 |
displayed with 16:9 ratio |
3000x3000 |
can be no larger than 10MB |
Registrations |
720x405 |
displayed with 16:9 ratio |
may not exceed 10MB |
Services |
no limits |
thumbnail resized to 84px |
no limits |
web resizes to 160x160 thumbnail mobile resizes based on the device |
may not exceed 3MB |